Tag: Charlotte Hamrick


    By Charlotte Hamrick Maurice Carlos Ruffin is a kind human being. Although he’s incredibly busy currently with a book tour, he is always available and responsive to questions from his fans (me!) and always has an open and beaming smile which is an invitation in itself to talk. I own all three of Maurice’s books,…

  • The Nitty Gritty Interview with Wilson Koewing

    By Charlotte Hamrick As I was reading Jaded by Wilson Koewing, I surprised myself with how often I would think this is one of the best stories I’ve ever read, only to think the same thing at the next story. There is something in the way Wilson writes that brings to mind oral stories passed…

  • The Nitty Gritty Interview with Dan Crawley

    By Charlotte Hamrick Recently, I read Blur written by Dan Crawley and published by Cowboy Jamboree Press. One of the many things I loved about this collection of Flash Fiction is the strong character-driven narratives. Each character has a distinct voice and a distinct story to tell. Whether it’s a Micro of few words or…

  • The Nitty Gritty: Interview with Paul Crenshaw

    By Charlotte Hamrick Paul Crenshaw and I have at least one thing in common, we both grew up in a small, conservative, rural town in the American South. But while he was still a boy in the 1980’s, I was a young adult just moved to the big city. Our experiences during that time were…

  • The Nitty Gritty

    Sharing Moments from The Last Year by Jill Talbot By Charlotte Hamrick In The Last Year, published by Wandering Aengus Press, Jill Talbot chronicles the year before her daughter leaves for college. It’s 2020, the first pandemic year that leaves its footprint on the lives of both women but doesn’t dampen their spirits or close…

  • The Nitty Gritty: Talking with Cathy Ulrich about Small Burning Things & the writing life.

    By Charlotte Hamrick Cathy Ulrich is a well-known name in the Flash Fiction world whose debut collection, Ghosts of You, was released by Okay Donkey Press in 2019 to rave reviews. Her latest collection, Small Burning Things, was recently released by Okay Donkey to the delight of her many fans. I talked to Cathy about…

  • The Nitty Gritty:

    Sarah Freligh gives us a peek into her new collection By Charlotte Hamrick Often, when I read Sarah Freligh’s fiction, I think THIS is real life. Sarah writes so convincingly and with such relatability that I will often nod my head while reading or exclaim Hell yeah!  I have really done this. I was excited…

  • The Nitty Gritty

    Interview with Tucker Leighty-Phillips By Charlotte Hamrick Although Twitter is getting lots of shade thrown at it lately, I still enjoy the fact that I can find new-to-me writers on it. I have my favorite widely-published writers, as everyone does, but there’s a special thrill when I read work by someone I’ve never read and…

  • The Nitty Gritty: Home is a Made-Up Place by Ronit Plank, An Interview

    By Charlotte Hamrick I met Ronit Plank when we both signed on as Co-editors in Creative Nonfiction for The Citron Review two years ago. Right from the start we worked well together and found we have pretty much the same aesthetic in our reading preferences. I read her highly acclaimed memoir, When She Comes Back,…


    By Charlotte Hamrick Some time this past summer I became aware of Casie Dodd and Belle Point Press on Twitter. Honestly, I don’t remember why, out of all the presses on Twitter, this one caught my eye (maybe because it’s based in the South?!)  but I’ve been following its progress ever since. I feel like…