Tag: Creative Nonfiction

  • These Things Fall Into My Mind

    By Ilyn Welch Adult coloring and maze books bore me. I forgot how to crochet. I don’t have a personal watercraft in my life, and never will at my age. Perhaps I’m a ho-hum individual. But five to seven days a week, I am fortunate enough to walk two dogs during the quietest time of…

  • Ladies First

    Creative Nonfiction by Leighton Schreyer He. Tall. Mid-forties or so. Dressed in a slick navy suit, pink dress shirt, floral tie. Striped socks—Burberry or Balenciaga or Prada, something fancy—revealing themselves with each pump of the pedal. Briefcase strapped in the bike basket in lieu of the child he (almost certainly) doesn’t have. Can’t have, looking…

  • Yarns: On Making Perfectionism Work for You

    By Meagan Lucas I hate it when editors publish themselves—especially in anthologies, but that’s another column—and I vowed when I started this mag that I wasn’t going to do that. But then I had an idea for this essay, and I thought a craft column isn’t as self-indulgent as publishing my own fiction, right? Plus,…

  • Buried Nitrogen – Dead Wood Falling: A Snow Moon Noir

    By Sandra K. Barnidge Our Leyland cypress died. All at once, it seemed, almost overnight. One week, the evergreen branches were soft, supple, and verdant — it had been our outdoor Christmas tree, and we’d decorated it with shiny colored balls and a pinecone topper. But last summer’s drought had weakened it, and a fungus…

  • In Search of Magic

    By Jamie Etheridge I’m writing late into the afternoon when I see them. A fluffle of eastern cottontails scampering across the road. They move like raindrops on water. Plop. Bound. Leap. A wiffle of unreality. Midway, the mother rabbits pause. They rear up on hind legs. Freeze frame, except for twitching noses and ears alert.…

  • Road Trip

    Creative Nonfiction by John Lane I’ve told the story so many times it feels immediate, real, if not true. Studying at my desk one weekday night for a history test back in 1973, several of my fraternity brothers knocked on the dorm door. My roommate was out. I answered the door with no trepidation. Why…

  • Healthy Habits: Enjoy the Journey

    By Valerie Peralta The year I turned 41 I completed my first half marathon. I didn’t do it alone. A handful of women I knew from the church I was attending at the time had accomplished the feat previously, so they gathered a bunch of women who wanted to do the same but thought there…

  • Things to Consider & In the Event Of

    CREATIVE NONFICTION BY WENDY NEWBURY Home > Policy Manual > Volume 2 – Nonimmigrants > Part A – Nonimmigrant Polices and Procedures Things to Consider Creative NonFiction by Wendy Newbury Volume 2 – Non-Immigrants Part F – Students (F)                   Chapter 1 – History and Background Chapter 1    A.  The F non-immigrant visa is…

  • Country Craft: Hey, jealousy.

    By Stuart Phillips Many Southerners of my generation have learned that reverence for history is a double-edged sword. I cringe when I remember our field trip to Flowood, a “working plantation” where smiling white women taught us how to dip candles and card cotton with no mention of how the cotton was chopped and harvested. …

  • The Pie Was a Final Draft: On Bourbon Pecan Pie & Rediscovering Love

    By Michaella Thornton Bourbon pecan pie is one of my love languages. A language I express maybe once a year at Thanksgiving, but last November I was recovering from walking pneumonia and traveling by train with my 6-year-old daughter to visit my mother, her grandmother. I was in no space to pack pecans, bourbon, dark…