Tag: Book Review


    Review of Bradley Sides’s Crocodile Tears Didn’t Cause the Flood In Crocodile Tears Didn’t Cause the Flood, a collection of seventeen magical realism stories by Bradley Sides, the author experiments with unconventional narrative structure, multiple points-of-view, and genre-fusing. Sides can break the rules because he knows the rules. The author avidly contributes author interviews and…

  • THE POWER OF WHAT’S LEFT UNSAID | a review by Francois Bereaud

    A Review of Maud Lavin’s SILENCES, OHIO As a person who has lived on both coasts but never in the “fly over states” (which I imagine to be pejorative to those to who live there), I came to Maud Lavin’s chapbook, SILENCES, OHIO from Cowboy Jamboree Press, interested in learning more about a large swath…

  • FROM THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN | by John Brantingham

    a review of Grey Wolfe LaJoie’s Little Ones Grey Wolfe LaJoie’s Little Ones explores the idea of outsider status in its both style and content. Reading this collection, I was confronted again and again by the concept of difference, feeling outside of the mainstream. LaJoie’s style, which is often non-narrative and often defies classification in…

  • Embracing the Absurd

    A Review of Anna Dickson James’ Boys Buy Me Drinks to Watch Me Fall Down By Alex Carrigan In her short story collection Boys Buy Me Drinks to Watch Me Fall Down, Anna Dickson James brings together 18 stories that examine the mental, emotional, and social oddities of gender roles in the traditional and speculative…

  • A World Hidden in Plain Sight

    A Review of Tracy Kidder’s Rough Sleepers by BettyJoyce Nash Pulitzer Prize winning author Tracy Kidder’s latest nonfiction book, Rough Sleepers, introduces readers to Boston’s homeless people through Dr. James O’Connell and his street team of medical professionals. Dr. Jim and his team make “house” calls. They travel in a supply-stocked van to parks, underpasses,…

  • Not Only Seen, but Also Desired

    A Review of Jim Roberts’ Of Fathers & Gods By Nick Rees Gardner In an era that often favors micro- and very short fiction, the nine stories in Jim Roberts’ debut collection, Of Fathers & Gods, are more traditional in length, “long” short stories that range from about 8 to 30 pages. Rather than the…

  • There Are Worse Things in The World Than Inappropriate Sex

    A Review of Mary Rechner’s Marrying Friends By Olga Katsovskiy Mary Rechner’s Marrying Friends novel-in-stories invites the reader into the intimate lives of two sisters, whose friends and dysfunctional families come together at a funeral and a wedding – where time stands still. Unlike her debut short story collection, Nine Simple Patterns for Complicated Women,…

  • Love and Blood

    A Review of Morgan Talty’s Fire Exit By Maud Lavin Morgan Talty’s novel, Fire Exit, is about ill fits among blood, belonging, and love. Set on the Penobscot River with the Reservation on one side and extraneous whites on the other, the story is also about parenting, about stepfathers raising kids with devotion, about missing…

  • Going Somewhere

    A Review of Mesha Maren’s Shae By Leo Coffey I finished Mesha Maren’s forthcoming novel, Shae, just as the sun began to dip along the Southern sky. I work in one of downtown Knoxville’s oldest buildings and after turning the last page, I ventured up to the top floor to overlook the city, something I…

  • A Southern Philosopher’s Manifesto

    A Review of George Singleton’s Asides: Occasional Essays By Donna M. Crow Even though George Singleton claims in the very first line of his Preface which he also calls an Apology, “I hate writing essays. It’s not my gig,” this humbly titled collection, Asides: Occasional Essays, may well be Singleton’s manifesto. Known for his sharp…